Wednesday 1 February 2012

Welcome the dark days

A positive attitude is a great weapon to deal with the challenges and curveballs that try to throw us off-track and deter us from living our lives to the fullest.  Having a positive outlook makes handling the days of doom and gloom easier. It gives hope to hopeless situations; it brings peace of mind and makes maneuvering through the bumpy road manageable.
Life is not perfect and problems can not be avoided. What matters is how we respond to situations when faced with problems.
There are some life changing events that are horrible and can leave one feeling hopeless. Like losing a loved one or a job, when that happens we often find it hard to keep our heads up because all we want to do is dig ourselves into a deep hole and hide. Smiling and carrying on with life is a huge effort because often we feel drained and too tired to hold on.
When we are faced with a life changing moment we should allow ourselves to feel sad, cry and eat our pain our way. Sometimes our heart needs to feel all those feelings and release them. Being positive and pretending that you are not hurt or sad could prolong the healing process and have you living in denial. It’s okay to feel sad.
What matters most when we are faced with uncertainty is to make the decision to fight for our own happiness.  This is the moment when we have to persevere and make the best of the situation. Cleanse your thoughts of anything that’s negative and is a threat to your sanity.
Seasons change, nothing stays the same. Life is a never ending journey of lessons, bumps, uncertainty but that should not prevent us from making the best of it. Never give up because your happiness comes first. Protect it, nurture it with positive thoughts.
When you make the choice to be positive you have to commit yourself to consistently work on your attitude.  Be grateful for the good things in your life, make it a point everyday to reflect and count your blessings and surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally.
Your mind is the most valuable tool to achieving happiness, guard your thoughts and feed your mind of all that is good. Love life and expect only the best for yourself.  Focus on loving yourself and know that you are worthy of all that is good.
Have fun, do the things that make you happy. Don’t make the mistake of relying on others to make you happy. Take responsibility for your own happiness. Find out what brings you joy and make a commitment to do it often.
Don’t make the mistake of living in a bubble, the reality is that life is full of challenges.  We will experience feelings of sadness, stress, worry, anger, disappointment or hopelessness BUT send those feeling away when they come knocking on your door. Allow yourself to feel them but don’t get stuck in misery. Let the negative feelings be a lesson to you and move on.

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