Wednesday 22 February 2012

Profile: Lunga Shabalala

·         Nosihle: You won the presenter search for Selimathunzi, briefly tell me how about your experience during the auditions up to the moment you won
Lunga: Presenter searches are stressful. You prepare for the audition but the nerves are always there. The most stressful thing though is the campaigning for votes and the wait for the results. But I did everything in my power to promote myself throughout the process. From radio interviews to posters, facebook , and twitter.
·         Nosihle: How has your experience been like working for Selimathunzi?
Lunga: I love everything bout my job. The travelling and meeting new people is the best thing bout my job. I didn’t realise how many people we touch until you go out to the community and receive the feedback and the love.
·         Nosihle: I believe you represented Calvin Klein underwear in 2010, how was your experience?
Lunga: I never expected to win. The whole experience was unreal. I am forever grateful to CK for believing in me. The adjustment from an ordinary guy to being a “sex symbol” was awkward.
·         Nosihle: Did winning the Calvin Klein contest open doors for you in the entertainment industry?
Lunga: Yes, I got so many jobs from people seeing my face in magazines and billboards. It gave me my first taste of TV and I was hooked.
·         Nosihle: Besides Selimathunzi are there any projects that your are involved in?
Lunga: I’m a U.C.O.F (United Colors Of Fashion) ambassador. It’s a New York based NGO that uses proceeds from the world of fashion to help hospices fight the HI virus and help aspiring designers break the international market.
·         Nosihle: What are some of the challenges you have faced in the entertainment industry and how have you overcome them?
Lunga: This industry forces you to grow up fast. I’ve had to make peace with the fact that not everyone will like you and people will hate on you. I’ve made mistakes but I learn from them and there is an art to building your “brand” and that’s the biggest challenge.
·         Nosihle: What motivates you when going through difficult times?
Lunga: My fear of disappointing people is the biggest motivation, when you meet your idols and they tell you that you doing a good job, it drives me to be better. But whenever I go home I meet someone who will tell me that I’m making the province proud and that DRIVES me everyday.
·         Nosihle: How would you describe yourself?
Lunga: I’m ambitious to the most unrealistic levels sometimes. I’m a driven dreamer.
·         Nosihle: How do you stay in shape?
Lunga: Dedication and discipline, I’m the guy who hits the gym when everyone is still sleeping.
·         Nosihle: Describe your style to me?
Nosihle: Even I don’t know, it changes all the time.
·         Nosihle: What are you looking forward to in 2012?
Lunga: Growing as a person, I’m slowly finding myself and being comfortable in my own skin.
         Nosihle: Where do you see yourself in five years time?
Lunga: Producing my own tv and radio shows.
·         Nosihle: If you could have a dinner with three people (dead or alive) who have been influential in your life who would it be and why?
Lunga: Ryan Seacrest, I idolize that man for his hustle and talent.
Jay Z, the ultimate rags to riches story. He did whatever was necessary to be at the top of the game.
Nelson Mandela, for a man to give his life to empower others, I would like to find out what he envisioned when he was in prison. What and where he wanted us to be when he thought of the future generations.
·         Nosihle: What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in life?
Lunga: That the teachings my parents taught me are useful in all facets of life. “Be man of your word”, hard work pays off, say please and thank you to anyone no matter their status. Being humble will never be outdated. Own whatever you say or do and don’t hide behind others or being anonymous.
·         Nosihle: What is your motto?
Lunga: Too ambitious for average.
·         Nosihle: What do your do for fun or to relax?
Lunga: Playstation and watching sport.
·         Nosihle: What do you look for in a woman?
Lunga: A warm heart and beauty inside and out.
·         Nosihle: Single or in a relationship?
Lunga: I’m single right now.
·         Nosihle: Favourite places/restaurants in SA?
Lunga: I love going to Cape Town
·         Nosihle: What do you love about South Africa?
Lunga: I love our drive. People are now driven to succeed and be as good as other  countries.
·         Nosihle: Twitter or Facebook? Why?
Lunga: Twitter, its quicker to access and more real time.
·         Nosihle: Life is…..?
Lunga: As good as you CHOOSE to make it.

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